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 enjoyliving82 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: How REAL are you here??? |
I just wanted to start a new discussion.I entered this site one year ago, my goal on this site was to meet new people and expand my horizon.From the first day..I was 100% real here.I was showing my I am without playing a role or beeing in some kind different.I have to say I met different kind of people here...made really good friends but also find lots of
dishonest people.Especially some guys.I will tell you now my really bothers me a lot seeing some ''Holy Worrior In Peace Style'' guys playing around on this site with women.Telling fairy tales...create new personalities of themselves.I mean what's the point of that kind of people to be on sites like this.We really need one new passion site here called Liar Passions,where we can just block this guys out of here.It's sad for that guys who are seriously looking for a woman,who are trustful and honest.
I would like to know your experience or opinion to this topic.
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Joined: May 24, 2009
Posts: 43
Posted: Post subject: |
`I am also someone here ,who is 100% real !
My pics my video,my description about me...everything...
The last man whom I got to know here.
We were also together in a (online)Relationship,
because i live unfortunately in Germany not US.
He has me 1 year long lied and cheated and i never got a pic from him.,
I was in love ....with the time.
In his ''art'' that he had what he wrote me, aso
We had plans.
He wanted to visit me in April in Germany,this year.
We wanted to dance at a Powwow.
Then I wanted with him fly to U.S..
He was just perfect and so romantic,
he sang for me lakota songs over the phone...
He was in my age, and Lakota how I,
we fit together perfect,
everything was perfect ...
and then he wrote me suddenly after 1 year!
a text message on my mobile phone-its over- ....
it was nov 2011...
But what strange is about the whole thing,
His address in Rosebud that he gave to me,
is real ...
I was disappointed only by the men here.
I think,It is difficult to find the right one
which is maybe lakota,near by my age,
and means really honest with me.
you wrote:''
We really need one new passion site here called Liar Passions,where we can just block this guys out of here.''
I do not think that this is allowed here.
P.S. -
The men are still here on NAP!
Then usually under a different name ..
Sad for the guys who are serious here,
you're right.
Last edited by lakotaprincess1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:25 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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 carolineishot (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I'm totally real! Fortunately, I haven't been gypped by anyone on this site, but I'm sure there're plenty of fakes. Half the people on the net are fake identities. Gotta be careful!
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Joined: May 24, 2009
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` ''Holy Worrior In Peace Style''......... what do you mean exactly with this?
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Joined: January 18, 2012
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Ladies, it's internet and one of the dating sites. Free zone for everybody, no matter if he's honest, pretend to be or playing the role. You can be 100% real but can not require others (especially men) to be the same. Look for REAL man in real life not here.
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Joined: May 10, 2009
Posts: 66
Posted: Post subject: |
`Hey, I am 100% reality but completely fake when it comes to love on line.
I am so honest, that without being able to smell me, one would think I was lying. Alas, I am lying.
For me, I like being me. In there or out here. I know peace and ecstatic chaos. I love what I don't know, the risk and unfolding experience breath by breath they near.
I am not naive about the web. Trust no one you cannot smell. That doesn't mean I shut doors, yet this is the only site I like to read and write on.
N.A.P has some super-fun and helping individuals joined.
Mm, my point. It takes yeeeears for personalities to unfold. How can one experience that by days on line (accumulative)?
If one did not like the answer, maybe they asked the wrong question!
I am just free from the mundane. Here, having fun with words and reading some great stories, sweet recipes, I could not spend my time tricking or messing with some one. I do expect most people to express themselves more acutely online than they would in scent of another person.
Looking closely; life, earthing, inside out.
No... it's not. I was lying again. Maybe outside in. I was unfolding into my Holy Worrior In Peace style of making myself seem wise to all you unexpecting women. Hahaha.
Oh... and dig this
Story- an account of real or imaginary people and events told for entertainment purposes
Store - of something kept for use when needed
Kept= Keep
to put or store in a regular place
The stories we keep in the mountains of the mind,
shave and shatter a face that is kind
what stories have you kept..
Happy. Healthy. High
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Joined: May 10, 2009
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`ignore the condescending part with the laughter. i was joking. truth!
smell the font!
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Joined: May 24, 2009
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almagic wrote: Ladies, it's internet and one of the dating sites. Free zone for everybody, no matter if he's honest, pretend to be or playing the role. You can be 100% real but can not require others (especially men) to be the same. Look for REAL man in real life not here.
There are women and mens which remains
only the internet.
For example,
I'm a native american
and I'm here on this page which is in reality made only for native americ.peoples,to find a native americ.partner.
Because,I live in Germany,and
didn't have any chance to find a native americ. partner here in Germany.
Therefore, me stay only the internet.
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Joined: January 18, 2012
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Your words sound like 'yankee go home'... though I agree there are too many non NA people here...
Anyway I know real case closed to yours. One French woman (as far as I remember she is a professor) was fond of the Evenk nation. They are about 35000 people (less then lakota?). She came to Siberia to know their culture and language. She found her Evenk prince there. They lived with reindeer herd OMG for some years and then moved to France. I think she would never find him in the net.
The way is one (and only if you choose), the roads are different.
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 enjoyliving82 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Hi's really sad to hear what this guy has done to you.
Awww...about the Liar's possible..hahahah,because we have so many weird passions here,the problem only is,which guy would say in public he is one and enter this wanted to know what kind of guys I meant by ''Holy Worrior In Peace Style''. For me that are some guys...which feeds romantic imaginations of women with lies..some hypocritical.They can tell you stories of themselves and the world till the sun goes sure it's up to you to believe it or not..but on this site are really some good actors.As for the problem you as native american in Germany..I can really understand you,that you're trying to find a guy here,cause there's no other way for you.For sure like Almagic said you could just visite America to meet some Lakota guys.But it's not easy to visite a country blind.That, you could just do to see the place where you have ur roots and if you would meet a guy you like is another question.
Here a few tipps for it with humor.
1.Be careful with guys which tells you too many compliments (the worst: your the only one..damn you're just
2.Be careful with guys starting after some days..or less talking about loving you.
3.In my opinion the worst..and so common here.Be careful when guys start talking about preferences and s----l topics..he is for sure looking only for fun and a S-- hotline for free.
4.No conversation..and if he has one, ask for some more...too many fake profiles are going on here.
Girls..if you have some more...feel free to write it down
P.S. Here is one saying which is for sure
A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.
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 walkingbadger (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`you can say the same for the women on this site. for me, i will say hi but not take it any futher than that. if someone is interested in me then i can be more objective & share some things about me as well as she about herself. there are genuine men on this site. yeah, there are a few bad apples on here & you'll find that on every romance site but i bet there are more delicious ones here than rotton ones. i came to this site to meet & get to know people & not all for the passion. if it haopens, it will happen. i'm basically ok with my life & yes i struggle at times but that doesn't mean i would hurt anyone with lies because i'm hurting. men, say what you mean & mean what you say...
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 graniteghost (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I have been off and on here on NP for several years! I was Canyonkid before and now GraniteGhost! I couldnt get my previous username again! Anywayz doesnt really matter. I have found that there are some really cool Natives on here......realistically its tough to get to know them on person because we are usually hundreds of miles apart! But I have friends now that I met here and on MyTribalspace that are now on my FB! My FB is very personal to me! So I wont let just anyone be a friend! As a result I met some of their friends as well on FB! Win over a few N8V ladies trust as a friend and you get to meet their friends! Improves the odds you might meet someone special! Thats cool! For me I am here to meet Native Women, but not every Native woman! lol I want to make friends and see if the friendship last ahwhile here and progresses on to more deeper friendship. If I meet the "ONE" that would be pretty awesome, if not I hope to make some good friends! You see, I am very involved in the Native Community here in Los Angeles! So if someone lives out here they will know me or know of me pretty easily! Thats happened a few times. So if I dont represent here...its gonna get out! LOL So I keep it real!
Well enough for now! Peace Yahmonhene!
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Joined: February 15, 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: Post subject: Real |
Totally agree with your post! LOve the "liar passions" idea. Unfortunately there is always going to be someone taking advantage any chance they get. On another topic tho and I don't know if you noticed some of the tacky profile pics some of the women are posting. Up close crotch shot (pic of just a hand on skirt and part of legs. I mean really.... I realize that some people come on here looking for Mr. Rite now but that is why there is a section on the profile that says "Looking For". I don't understand the need to be tacky. Just be honest on your profile and show a decent pic. I realize some people would disagree with me and that's ok. I'm honest with my feelings. Tell me your thots on that topic if you want.
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 kikkerut (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Ive honestly never been anything but myself but I don't think that's getting me anywhere. . :-/
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 alvie (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I've learned through the internet that indeed lots of people are not that real as they present in their profile(s). Yet i think there comes more to it, and that the 'unreal' is very often a reflection of a wish in the desire to 'want to be', more than it could be classified as a conscious lie.
As a child i dreamed of a life as basic as possible. My wish/desire was to survive the cold of winters, to learn of how to make a fire (with stone/wood), to experience fullfillness after strife and struggle, the beauty of silence, beauty of (luxuary) independance and with love for everything created by mother nature.......and all this was infact the addition of my desire to feel and to try to understand life, 'real' life.
My perfect answer to my desires came true at the age of 13: punkmusic/anarchy. This was my excuse to live in freedom despite all the emptiness of rules and materialism in society.
Yet as far my mind was able to reach i found wisdom, my inner strengths and a love for the Native Americans, after my father teached me that the indians were a threat to cowboys (in the movies) - not because the indians were violent but because we were the ones treating the indians in disrespect & dishonesty. Asking me the question: how would you react to someone, coming into your house and treat you like a nonexistent?
It might sound a cliche, but my prayers became one with 'Dances With wolves'........there it was: all my dreams, my inner fires, my tears for the search to understand, the beauty and the humor of people 'being'.....and ofcourse the comfirm of what father taught me: Native Americans were/are just people like you and me, being fortunate with the gift of life but unfortunate with this new world, white men, in high (evolutionairy) development but in the process still a child, desperate in the search for balance in morality & identity.
This is infact my personal story, but in addition to this topic as well: because if someone convinced me 'bout reincarnation back then i would definitely believe i could 've been a Native in another life. And in my eager to believe i might as well, if i had the internet, make a profile like: 'white man with tribal roots seeks......(whatever)'.
Would i be a liar? Yes, definitely. My parents and grandparents and all of my ancestors are European and white as far the ability given to look back. But i would not be a conscious liar, i would present myself as a reflection of my desires. These desires feel true, honest and so really 'me' that the interpretation of myself in profile would feel absolutely real.
To be clear....this is an attempt to understand feelings and behaviour. I'm aware of my feelings and fromout that point of view this is an interpretation in & of 'what if'.
Untill ofcourse......the confrontation. If you hold tight to the dream as an approach of reality there might be a chance of never being able to share.
The desire in the heart can be true, but it doesn't mean she difines identity. So by a moment of truth, by dating on the internet for example there is this confrontation of deviding the desire from the 'self'. And then there you stand, meeting your georgious date, realizing being 'just' ordinary with just a special desire. Realizing you made yourself more beautifull (in your) profile than you are in reality.
You can learn from it and acknowlledge the dream as a desire. Then it is all up to you what ya gonna do with it: chase it? Live by it? Leave it? Whatever. But it ain't wise to stick with it as just the being of yourself.
Because when the dream is a desire and you define (the) yourself into it the risk will allways be too high at stake to really share.
The only thing to do is, when you meet someone on the internet, using common sense. Maybe the heart jumps up and down by finding someone with that unique personality: the heart is the source and the brain is the tool. Together they make a perfect couple to find reason and common sense:
it'll make it easier to really see people and find the comfort to follow your heart.
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